Lincoln Land Animal Clinic, Ltd

1148 Tendick
Jacksonville, IL 62650



At Lincoln Land Animal Clinic, we believe that excellent veterinary care is about being there during the good times and bad. We believe that euthanasia allows us to end an animal’s life with compassion and dignity and can ultimately prevent unnecessary suffering.

Saying goodbye is the most difficult part of pet ownership. We are there for you every step of the way and want you to be as informed as possible while you make this decision. This goal of this page is to be as transparent as possible about the process of euthanasia to help pet owners prepare themselves for this step of their journey.

Each person copes with loss in a different way. If you would like to memorialize your pet on our website, please send us a picture and your sentiments so we can add them to our Gone But Not Forgotten page.

Please keep reading to find the answers to questions pet owners often wonder:

How is euthanasia performed?

How do I know when it is time to say goodbye?

Should I be present?

What happens to my pet after euthanasia?

Grief Counseling

How is euthanasia performed?

Our team strives to make this experience as painless as possible for your pet. First, a sedative is injected to make your pet fall asleep. A small patch of fur is then shaved off their leg and the skin is rubbed with alcohol to make the vein more visible. The euthanasia solution is then injected directly into the vein, and the pet will pass away within a few minutes. This is a very peaceful and painless process and the kindest way we know to say goodbye to our beloved companions.

How do I know when it is time to say goodbye?

The decision to euthanize your beloved pet may be one of the most difficult decisions you make in your lifetime. We want you to be confident in your decision, whatever it may be. This is not a decision that should be rushed. So how do you know if it is time? The following is a list of several criteria used in evaluating your pets’ quality of life, and you should consider them carefully.

  • Is your pet eating? At a minimum, quality life involves an interest in food. A hungry animal has vitality that must be considered, though this is not the only consideration.
  • Is your pet comfortable? Your pet should be free of debilitating pains, cramps, aches, or even psychological pain that comes from being a housetrained pet that develops incontinence.
  • Does your pet still enjoy their favorite activities? Favorite activities differ for each pet and can range from chasing tennis balls to seeking out a favorite napping spot in the sunshine.

You know your pet better than anyone, and only you can truly answer these questions.

Should I be present?

We welcome pet owners to be present during the euthanasia process but understand that many owners do not feel comfortable witnessing the death of a pet. This is a very personal decision and we will support you with whatever you decide.

What happens to my pet after euthanasia?

If you live outside city limits, you may bring your pet home to bury. Private services can sometimes be arranged through a local funeral home.

Another option is to send your pet’s remains to be cremated. There is an extra charge for this service. Three cremation choices are available:

  • Group Cremation: Your pet is cremated with the remains of other pets and the ashes are not returned to you.
  • Companion Animal Cremation: Your pet is cremated in a separate compartment of a large crematorium at the same time as other pets. The ashes are returned to you in two to three weeks.
  • VIP Cremation: Your pet is cremated in a small individual crematorium and is the only pet cremated at that time. The ashes are returned to you in two to three weeks.

Grief Counseling

For many pet owners, the bond we share with our pets is often as strong or even stronger than our relationships with other people. It can be very difficult to cope with the loss of a pet. We want you to know that you don’t have to go through this alone.

There are many resources available for grieving pet owners. A few are listed below: